V Krásnych Sadoch vzniknú štyri hlavné aleje
One of the main objectives contained in the future territorial project of Beautiful Settlements Mlynica is to create a set of principal and side wind breakers the aim of which is to reduce air circulation and create micro climate that is suitable for the area of the Beautiful Settlements. Such alleys, or wind breakers, are to serve as an anti-erosion arrangement and, of course, aesthetic function is as well important.
Our experts for arboriculture and permaculture designated the most suitable areas for main and side wind breakers. The main alleys are shown in more details in the map below.
The main wind breakers will arise on the places where the circulation of air is the strongest. These alleys will be called after the type of trees that are prevailing. There should be Lime tree alley, Maple, Pine tree and Oak-Cherry alleys in the Beautiful Settlements. Why have we selected these types of trees? “We have chosen the type that reaches the height of at least 10 metres when matured in order to serve as wind breakers,” explains Barbora Chomová, the permaculture designer for the Beautiful Settlements. The distance between the main trees in the wind breakers will be 12 metres. In between there will be smaller trees and bushes, such as hawthorn, chokecherry, rowanberry, hazel, rosehip, shadbush or sallow-thorn. The type of trees forming the side wind breakers will depends on the decision of owners of lands on which the wind breakers are to be located. It is conditioned that the trees should be original or edible. Our experts have prepared a list of trees that are most suitable for the climate conditions and it will be available to each owner.