Ako sa nezblázniť, zmúdrieť, (za)ROBIŤ si parádny život, alebo ako vysádzať Krásne Sady II

Good morning Beautiful Settlements. Last year we bought one land, one mini tractor, one site barrack, one ship container serving for storage, we finished one lake, one mound, we bought some equipment, seeds, trees, bushes, pallets… Simply, I spent a lot of money. There is only a little left in my...

Krásne Sady v sebe spájajú atribúty bývania a života

The Beautiful Settlements is a 100-hectare territory spreading on rural zone of Mlynica municipality. The creation of such a large area, with suitable ecological parameters and permaculture principles required a process of developing the Zone Territorial Plan. For architects Pavol Mészáros and Viliam Holeva it took many hours to specify...

Jarné neprebúdzanie

Spring has already crossed the threshold of winter and someone is still not awake. It is not surprising, since bees have worked hard all winter to preserve the continuity of life. Bees will pop up from the divine darkness as soon as it gets a bit warmer so they can fly...

Juraj Pári už vysadil svoj les

Juraj Pári, his sister Andrea and their families are future residents of the Beautiful Settlements. They have been active on their lands throughout the whole previous year. When you enter their lands in the Beautiful Settlements through a large wooden gate, you find trees planted there, a large pile of compost...

Ako som začal včeláriť

Once you look inside the hive and feel the power of that unique "super-organism" with vibration and smell of solar energy, you will never walk away from bees, you set off for a journey to learn about this remarkable craft instead. In the real sense of the word it represents...